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March 23 2022 Meeting

ยท 2 min read
Chris Lim

Meeting Recapโ€‹

Today's Meeting Recapโ€‹

  • Work session and debugging (for the entire meeting)

Team Action Itemsโ€‹

  • Go through any PRs and/or code fixes that you have to do and update them
  • Provide your standups along with due dates (that will be strictly followed) so I can keep track of what to expect to be done on which day
  • I believe it's just @Giovanni Tedesco that we'll need the standup from (Including due dates and other tasks that you will be accomplishing). You'll want to meet with Karandeep about the backend stuff that you guys are working on

Mentor Action Itemsโ€‹

  • Review any new PRs
  • I should have the backend get tasks PR re-reviewed along with the TaskHistoryPage re-reviewed by tonight And feel free to message me for any questions regarding anything with the action items ๐Ÿ™‚

Important Side noteโ€‹

  • For any PRs please make sure that only the necessary files are pushed
  • Please do a thorough inspection of your code beforehand before requesting a PR from me
  • Ensure that there aren't any conflicting files in your PR (if there are, merge the develop branch into yours, resolve the conflicts, then push the fixes for them)
  • Again, please follow the due dates that you guys set for your tasks (The due dates that you set should be mindful of the other work that you have as well)